Pregnancy Specialist

Christopher Petr, M.D.

Obstetrician & Gynecologist located in Burleson, TX

Every pregnancy is different. You benefit from expert care during the nine months, regardless of whether this is your first pregnancy or your third. At the office of Christopher Petr, M.D, in Burleson, Texas, your unique health needs during pregnancy are attended to. You get the support, screenings, and answers necessary to keep you and your baby healthy. If you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant soon, call the office or schedule online to start your pregnancy care.

Pregnancy Q & A

What is involved in pregnancy care?

Pregnancy is a time of excitement and apprehension. You deserve pregnancy care that provides you with moral support as well as expert medical guidance. Dr. Petr monitors you and your baby’s health throughout the nine months. He offers essential screenings to identify complications so they can be managed early, before they escalate. You also receive recommendations as to lifestyle changes that help you carry your baby with minimal complications.

Lifestyle support includes information and prescriptions for prenatal vitamins, guidance as to which medications and supplements to avoid, and suggestions about diet and exercise.

Dr. Petr monitors your vital signs at every prenatal appointment. This includes your blood pressure, weight, and oxygen levels. He evaluates the baby’s growth and heart rate and offers appropriate screenings. If you have complications, you get optimal support to minimize the effects on your health and the health of your baby.

You’ll also get solid support after delivery, when the new baby often gets the most attention. He can check that you’re healing well following your vaginal or C-section delivery, answer questions about breastfeeding, and assess your mental and physical health.

What should I expect with prenatal visits?

Prenatal visits occur regularly throughout your pregnancy to make sure the baby is developing properly and that your health is the best it can be. During this comprehensive support, you receive:

  • Regular checkups
  • Assessment of the baby’s growth with in-office ultrasounds
  • Nutritional support
  • Screening tests for mom and baby
  • Support for pregnancy ailments and complications
  • Guidance in creating a birth plan
  • Counseling for labor and delivery

If you have particular issues or concerns, Dr. Petr is available to help. In-house ultrasounds make your trip quick and efficient, too. You don’t have to schedule appointments at another office to get results and readings.

How often are prenatal visits?

Every woman’s experience is different, but a general timetable for prenatal visits involves:

  • Once per month in the first trimester
  • Twice per month in the second trimester
  • Weekly visits in the last few weeks through delivery

If you have existing health concerns, are older than 35, or have other problems with your baby or your pregnancy, you may need more frequent visits. You can always call the office between appointments and schedule additional ones if needed. You can also schedule your appointments online.